Office Romance with Colleague

Office Romance with Colleague

Wendy’s husband had been coming home late from work regularly, especially on Friday nights. She also noticed he was taking more pride in his appearance then normal before going to work, especially with his personal grooming and the clothes he chose to wear on Casual Fridays. He also started wearing cologne.

Wendy suspected her husband was having an affair with a co-worker at his office, however she couldn’t prove it.

She called our office and we quickly arranged one of our agents to follow him after work on a Friday when she knew he was going to have social drinks at a bar near the office. Our Agent waited in the foyer of the office building and saw him walking out of the lift with his work colleagues, which were both men and women. . Our agent followed him to the local bar where they had drinks and socialised for a couple of hours. Nothing happened at the bar until it was time to leave.

Wendys husband left the bar with a woman who he seemed to be giving a lot of attention to over the evening. As soon as they were away from the group they were seen holding hands and kissing as they walked down the street.

Our agent filmed the whole thing discreetly. Wendy received the information she needed to make a decision to move forward.

The whole operation took less than 4 hours and Wendy was extremely satisfied with our service.

If your partner is arriving home late from work. Call us now.
