Locating a Person in Sydney

5 December 2018

Locating a person in Sydney is easy with the help of a private investigator. You may want to find a friend, a family member or locate a person for legal reasons. A private investigator is the best person to help you with that task.

Sex Lies and Video Evidence. Catching Cheating Spouses in Parramatta

31 August 2017

Using a private investigator to find someone is the most efficient and cost effective method. Private investigators use the skills and know-how that they learn from their industry experience and training gathered over many years…

Using a Private Investigator to Find Someone

16 January 2017

Using a private investigator to find someone is the most efficient and cost effective method. Private investigators use the skills and know-how that they learn from their industry experience and training gathered over many years…

Hiring a Private Investigator

21 November 2016

Hiring a Private Investigator can be a difficult decision to make. But hiring a private investigator is sometimes the only way to get the answers to some serious questions such as…

KIIS FM Private Investigator

16 November 2016

As featured on the Kyle & Jacki O Radio Show we recently obtained the details of a listener’s father who she had lost touch with.                  

Should I Hire a Private Investigator?

27 March 2016

The decision to hire a private investigator is often a difficult decision to make. A person usually has some suspicions about their partner but doesn’t know how to confirm it. It’s a serious decision and the outcome of the investigation can be life-changing. However with knowledge of the investigation process and what is involved, the decision to hire a private investigator can be made a lot easier…

How Do I Spy on My Husband

27 February 2016

Concerned wives often ask us how do I spy on my husband? There are many ways you can carry out surveillance and spy on your husband with the use of some high tech equipment that is available to the general public. However the challenge is ……..

Jailbreaking iPhones

6 December 2015

Quite often we get asked what is jailbreaking. Quite simply it’s unlocking the phone from Apples operating system (iOS). To jailbreak an iPhone is very simple and easy and only takes a couple of minutes. You simply download our recommended software for free from the internet, save the downloaded file to your computer and …..

The Camera Never Lies

24 November 2015

We get many calls by customers who suspect their partner is cheating and ask us how we can help and what is the best solution for them. Quite often we recommend surveillance devices such as our GPS trackers. These are a very good tool when it comes to tracking all their movements and to …..

Cheating Spouse at Christmas Party

Spouses caught cheating at Christmas Parties

10 November 2015

Staff Christmas parties are a time for fun and for work colleagues to get together and celebrate the end of a work year.  But alcohol and celebrations very often lead to casual flings and long term affairs and especially if spouses are not invited.