Sexting and Online Dating

Tania was starting to notice her boyfriend was becoming very protective of his phone when around her. He would not let his mobile phone leave his sight. He took it to the bathroom, the shower and it was always in his pocket. He would even put it face down if it was ever out of his hand. He slept with it right next to him every night. He was not ...

Office Romance with Colleague

Wendy’s husband had been coming home late from work regularly, especially on Friday nights. She also noticed he was taking more pride in his appearance then normal before going to work, especially with his personal grooming and the clothes he chose to wear on Casual Fridays. He also started wearing cologne. Wendy suspected her husband was havi...

Girlfriend Cheating When Partner Out of Town

Peter travelled quite frequently for work overseas for weeks at a time. He had a suspicion his partner was getting paid as an escort while he was out of town. She didn’t work and was able to maintain a good standard of living. Peter called us to follow her around for a week while he was out of town. We organised two agents to follow her every ...

CEO having an Affair with PA

Tracy’s husband is a CEO of a large company and flys interstate regularly. He doesn’t give Tracy much notice when he does fly however she suspected he may be having a romance of some sort but couldn’t prove it. Tracy called us on the same day when he was due to fly out to Perth. She knew the time he was supposed to leave the office so we s...

Online Dating

Melissa has started online dating and although interested in a particular person she was in doubt as to his credibility. All she had was his full name and phone number. Things didn't seem right and he could be quite elusive at times. Melissa contacted our office and asked if we could find out more information about him. With the information prov...

Fly in Fly Out Layover

Melissa’s husband works in the mines in Queensland on a fly-in fly-out roster. They live together in Perth however he always flies via Sydney airport and has a layover for hours. She suspected he was meeting someone at Sydney before flying back home to Perth because he was never contactable during his stop for hours at a time. Melissa contacte...

Child Custody Case

Andrew did not have custody of his two children aged 7 and 9 years old. He knew the children were in an unstable environment with poor parenting, however he needed to prove this to the court in order to obtain full time custody. His ex-wife had specific rules in place by the court which Andrew believed she was breaching on a regular basis. The two ...